AM - Registration & Sign In Complimentary continental breakfast |
8:00 AM
Three Unique & High Value Healthcare Products That
Are Bundled with Insurance
Dr. Raymond

9:00 AM
Is There A Storm Coming? Recession Resistant
Investment Strategies in Private Equity
Mr. Eric Hansen

10:00 AM
Guaranteed Insured Transition (GIT) Program
Mr. Ian R Whiting

Financial Transitions Resources Ltd.
Mr. John H. Askin

11:00 AM
Tax Credits
Mr. Jeff Sims

12:00 Buffet Lunch
- Sponsored By the Presenters |
1:00 PM
Canada's Fastest Growing Market
Mrs. Emma LeBrun

2:00 PM
Evolve Investing to the Next Level with an Eligible
Business Corporation (EBC)
Mr. Greg Stanley

3:00 PM
Ethical Investing – The NAVI Story ®
Mr. Greg Stanley

4:00 PM
- SCAN out & adjourn

21st Annual National Advisors Conference Las Vegas Nevada
August 24, 25, 26 2020
Don’t be disappointed
Click here for details